
A Romantic Historic House

  There is a historic building near my department named Demmeler house which be protect by city of Eau Claire landmark commission. It reminds me “A man travels across the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it”.
  Otto and Lina Demmler built this in 1887, Otto, a German immigrant started a floral business in 1885 with his brother Edmund and built six greenhouses for he business, which were located south of the house, Otto died in 1927 and his wife Lina in 1943. The home was owned by members of the Demmler family until 1998 and the land where the greenhouses once stood, became a city park in 1992.
       It is a pretty house which had a most romantic     business and life in the history of Eau Claire.


Culture is a fantastic melting pot

     If I have the opportunity to redefine the culture, I believe it will be “fantastic melting pot”.
     What is the melting pot? We can learn from Wikipedia that “The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture. It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States”. And a large number of great inventions made from a fantastic melting pot, like Marie Curie found Po and Ra. And I think the culture have the same function. So I guess American culture is a greatest invention in the world, American culture like fantastic melting pot which contained variety of cultures. Meanwhile, their culture makes them enjoy the different life.
    In fact, China is also a fantastic melting pot, our country has ancient culture which affect world thousands years. At same time, the cultures from other countries give us profound impacts. Especially, in the present age, the human race is attracted by different culture to contact and communicate with each other which makes the world just like a fantastic village.
    Culture is a fantastic melting pot which creating a fantastic future life.


The different between UWEC students and NCEPU students

       I got a wonderful experience at fist week in campus, I was shocked by the different life between UWEC and NCEPU (NCEPU is the abbreviation of the North China Electric Power University, my previous collage in China).
When did I arrive campus, I heard a strong rock music from the campus mall. Then, I wanted to look what had happening. A few moments later, I was shocked that several large sound boxes working near the traditional big clock. A large number of students walked there and looked for appropriate club to join. And I till remember several days ago, that was bight and sunny day, a breeze blowing in my face, I was enjoy the feeling that be surrounded by nature, and then I was going to pass the footbridge, at that moment, I was shocked again, two boys with tattoo wore swimming trunks and three girls just wore bikini walking towards me, I even did not have the courage to say “hello” to them, I just kept looking down and passing them.
In contrast, it is incredible to hear some rock music with large volume in my previous university. I just heard some light music in previous campus. At same time, it is improbable that people with unusual clothes especially swimming trunks and bikinis. Even student with flip-flop were forbidden to take classes and study in library.
I guess I will be shocked again and again in the further, but I enjoy that feeling cause it show me the totally difference culture which makes me surprise and excited.