
Different Children’s Treatment in America and China

My childhood full of homework, it is a natural phenomenon in China. Do American children coping with their homework every day? Or do they just enjoy their childhood without any boring homework? I observed some American children and it makes me know what are different between Chinese children and American Children.
Carry and I been to professor Luo’s home several days ago, professor Luo is a American citizen of Chinese origin, his daughter was born in America and is 13 years old. There are certain phrases that people frequently use to define the Chinese-American identity. The two most commonly heard terms are "ABC", meaning an American-born Chinese, and "banana". The former is often considered an acceptable label for people of Chinese descent born in the US. The second term, banana, is usually regarded as derogatory or offensive, and it refers to someone who is "yellow" on the outside but "white" on the inside. Professor’s daughter got good achievements in study, sport and clarinet. But at some time, his daughter always has independence opinion and does anything her want, which violates her parents’ standpoint. Such like watch TV and play video games. That is definitely different from the children who living in China, most of children are limited to watch TV and play games, because they have a large number of homework, and their parents rare to listen to their opinions.
On Halloween, American children always dress up interesting costumes to their neighbors’ home to ask some candies. If their neighbors refuse to give them candies, children maybe give neighbors’ some tricks. That is never being happened in China, because children should just follow adults and could not ask for something without their parents’ permission.  It is misbehavior to ask for something from adults except parents.
In words, American children could enjoy their childhoods and be respect on their opinions, while Chinese children could enjoy homework and just follow their parents. In fact, Chinese society and cultural standpoint make our life full of challenge and competition since we were born. Taking a long view for children, Chinese parents do their best to protect their children that prohibit children to do something dangerously, and encourage and require children do more homework and learn some specialties.


Marriage in China

     In Confucian thought, marriage is of significance both to families and to society.
     From the perspective of a Confucian family, marriage brings together families and continues the family line of the paternal clan. This is generally why having a boy is more important than a girl when giving birth. Therefore, the benefits and disadvantages of any marriage are important to the entire family, not just the individual couples. Socially, the married couple is thought to be the basic unit of society.
    The modern Chinese marriage is becoming more and more same like American marriage. But maintain the most of traditional way.

Guanxi and Election

     Guanxi is a central idea in Chinese society; it describes the basic dynamic in personalized networks of influence. An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office. The “Guanxi” meet “Election” in China that is a special and interesting cultural phenomenon.
    “Guanxi” literally means "relationships", stands for any type of relationship in China. It is a very useful social resource owned by people. If you have a good “Guanxi”, you can solve problem and do anything easily. If you do not have any “Guanxi” and do not know the method to build the “Guanxi”, it is difficult for you to living and run business in China.
    At same time, “Guanxi” effect on “Election”. Chinese have the right to vote candidates of government, and most of candidates have a great “Guanxi” which makes Chinese people to vote them. Most of candidates are respected by people because they have great “Guanxi”, and great “Guanxi” means great quality.
    In words, “Guanxi” is the special and interesting cultural phenomenon in Chinese election.


Hmong in China

In China, Hmong is called Miao. Miao is one of ancient ethnic groups in China; it has more than 2000 years’ history. Do you know what had happened to them in ancient China? Do you know what are happening to them now?  I will tell you following.
As one part of Chinese Nation, Miao history could date back 2000 years ago. In fact, about 300 years ago, Conflict between Miao groups and newly arrived settlers increased, under repressive economic and cultural reforms were taken by the Qing Dynasty. This led to armed conflict and large-scale migrations continuing into the late 19th century, the period during which most Hmong people immigrated to Southeast Asia. The process began as early as the late-17th century, before the time of major social unrest, when small groups went in search of better agricultural opportunities.

Since 1949, Miao has been an official term for one of the 55 official minority groups recognized by the government of the People's Republic of China. The Miao live mainly in southern China, and we classify them to different kind of Miao because their different custom and dress(e.g. Flower Miao, White Miao, Black Miao, Long Skirt Miao, Short skirt Miao etc.).According to the 2000 censuses, the number of Miao in China was estimated to be about 9.6 million. The number of Miao people is fifth large ethic of China. To be honest, Miao has more politic right and special treatment than our Han people, such as “one child policy” only strict effect on Han nationality while other ethnics group could have more children. And most famous “the policy of adding extra points in national examination for ethnic minorities,” this policy is good for ethnic youths to get good education, at same time, it is unfair to Han youths, but whole of Han people could understand and support our government about this policy. Most of the Miao and other ethnic minorities are treated as family members in China, so we believe we are Chinese and treat each other as family.

In words, we are critical of our government some aspects like contamination and social welfare, but in the way of ethnic policy, our authority did well. Because of the story of Kao Kalia Yang, I like Miao culture very much, it is an ancient, fascinating and international culture.
Notes: The data from


Rope Course―Team spirit!!!

Last Friday, we have a wonderful experience of course, which is ESL360 rope course!
     We face some difficult in three games, but I think we are lucky because we have good planner and actor, such as Zhou, Fa and Praveen did like planners. I appreciated Fa’s idea in rope web section. At same time, we can’t finish whole game without others, I believe team spirit is the most important in whole game. And team spirit is a great value which owned by American.
     I really enjoy the rope course, thanks everyone!


American football is a powerful game

What is the most popular and powerful game in the world? It is American football game definitely!
I enjoyed an amazing football game with Cary and professor Joyce. The spirit shocks me which named power. The fearless player used their powerful bodies to hurtled, crashed and pushed down opponents, without hesitated, just fight likes a heroes!
That is my impression of American, who full of power and vigor, they always show power and self-confidence to everybody in world. I think I like their style in game and life!

Here is 2010 Football Schedule from http://www.uwecblugolds.com/?view=schedule&sport=fb:
*Sat, Oct 16, 2010UW-WhitewaterCarson Park (EC)3:00 PM Details
*Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at UW-StoutMenomonie1:00 PM Details
*Sat, Oct 30, 2010UW-OshkoshCarson Park (EC)6:00 PM Details
*Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at UW-La CrosseLa Crosse11:30 AM Details
*Sat, Nov 13, 2010UW-River Falls (Senior/Parents Day)Carson Park (EC)1:00 PM Details

Enjoy your weekend with UWEC Powerful football team!


A Romantic Historic House

  There is a historic building near my department named Demmeler house which be protect by city of Eau Claire landmark commission. It reminds me “A man travels across the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it”.
  Otto and Lina Demmler built this in 1887, Otto, a German immigrant started a floral business in 1885 with his brother Edmund and built six greenhouses for he business, which were located south of the house, Otto died in 1927 and his wife Lina in 1943. The home was owned by members of the Demmler family until 1998 and the land where the greenhouses once stood, became a city park in 1992.
       It is a pretty house which had a most romantic     business and life in the history of Eau Claire.


Culture is a fantastic melting pot

     If I have the opportunity to redefine the culture, I believe it will be “fantastic melting pot”.
     What is the melting pot? We can learn from Wikipedia that “The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture. It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States”. And a large number of great inventions made from a fantastic melting pot, like Marie Curie found Po and Ra. And I think the culture have the same function. So I guess American culture is a greatest invention in the world, American culture like fantastic melting pot which contained variety of cultures. Meanwhile, their culture makes them enjoy the different life.
    In fact, China is also a fantastic melting pot, our country has ancient culture which affect world thousands years. At same time, the cultures from other countries give us profound impacts. Especially, in the present age, the human race is attracted by different culture to contact and communicate with each other which makes the world just like a fantastic village.
    Culture is a fantastic melting pot which creating a fantastic future life.


The different between UWEC students and NCEPU students

       I got a wonderful experience at fist week in campus, I was shocked by the different life between UWEC and NCEPU (NCEPU is the abbreviation of the North China Electric Power University, my previous collage in China).
When did I arrive campus, I heard a strong rock music from the campus mall. Then, I wanted to look what had happening. A few moments later, I was shocked that several large sound boxes working near the traditional big clock. A large number of students walked there and looked for appropriate club to join. And I till remember several days ago, that was bight and sunny day, a breeze blowing in my face, I was enjoy the feeling that be surrounded by nature, and then I was going to pass the footbridge, at that moment, I was shocked again, two boys with tattoo wore swimming trunks and three girls just wore bikini walking towards me, I even did not have the courage to say “hello” to them, I just kept looking down and passing them.
In contrast, it is incredible to hear some rock music with large volume in my previous university. I just heard some light music in previous campus. At same time, it is improbable that people with unusual clothes especially swimming trunks and bikinis. Even student with flip-flop were forbidden to take classes and study in library.
I guess I will be shocked again and again in the further, but I enjoy that feeling cause it show me the totally difference culture which makes me surprise and excited.